

From someone who should know:

A longtime aide to George W. Romney issued a harshly worded critique of Mitt Romney, accusing him of shifting political positions in “erratic and startling ways” and failing to live up to the distinguished record of his father, the former governor of Michigan. 
Walter De Vries, who worked for the senior Mr. Romney throughout the 1960s, wrote that Mitt Romney’s bid for the White House was “a far cry from the kind of campaign and conduct, as a public servant, I saw during the seven years I worked in George Romney’s campaigns and served him as governor.”
“While it seems that Mitt would say and do anything to close a deal – or an election,” he wrote, “George Romney’s strength as a politician and public officeholder was his ability and determination to develop and hold consistent policy positions over his life."
In a telephone interview, he said he was motivated to write the essay by “an accumulation” of Mr. Romney’s actions, like his comment about 47 percent of Americans and his decision to campaign with Donald Trump. 
Mr. De Vries said he was annoyed by Mr. Romney’s repeated references recently to his father as inspiration and influence on him. 
“I just don’t see it,” he said. “Where is it? Is it on issues, no? On the way he campaigns? No." 
Mr. De Vries continued, “George would never have been seen with the likes of Sheldon Adelson or Donald Trump.”
I don't know whether or when it'll occur -- before or after it's too late. But if the Republican party doesn't regain its senses and once again not only include, but be represented by people like George Romney, while relegating to the sidelines such avatars of insanity as Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin and Todd Akin and Rick Santorum and Mitch McConnell and Newt Gingrich and... all of them; and until it produces leaders who, unlike Mitt Romney who stands for nothing and will say anything (credit the preceding list for standing for something and being consistent, even if the common thread is ignorance and insanity and hatred), we're on the way to ruin.

More importantly, until the Republican party stops deliberately endumbing its partisans by non-stop propagandizing and media falsehoods akin to the Soviet Union at its apogee, and until those partisans start waking up and electing representatives willing to work within the expectations of a functioning democracy, demanding more of themselves and of their leaders (and information sources), it'll never ever happen.

[Image source]
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